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Support for Unplanned Pregnancies Resource Facilitation (SUPeRF)

If you are facing an unsupported pregnancy or know someone pregnant who needs assistance, aLife is here to listen, support and help. Contact 91834483.

Pregnant? Unsure?

We are here for you.

If you or someone you know is pregnant and:

  • has doubts about keeping the baby

  • is confused

  • needs help and support

Whatsapp us at 9183 4483

Who Are We?

aLife is a secular, non-faith based organisation thus being able to offer and encourage an open and supportive space for everyone to ask questions, express their feelings and share their concerns without fear of judgement.


To date, our organization have supported over 15,000 women with a pregnancy crisis

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Are you pregnant and feeling lost or alone?


Are you single and not getting any support from friends?

What is SUPeRF?

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aLife’s Resource Facilitators (RFs) are seasoned para-counsellors who attend to referrals that come from aLife's hotline and polyclinics nationwide. The RFs provide a listening ear to women facing pregnancy crises. They equip clients with information surrounding pregnancies and types of resources available to the women to help them make informed choices they are comfortable with. aLife connects clients to resources if the need arises.


Hopefully, this negates any uncertainties that their clients may have regarding their pregnancies, providing them with a smoother transition to their life’s next phase.

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aLife LISTENS  •â€‹  aLife EQUIPS   aLife CARES    aLife CONNECTS

How can aLife help?

aLife does not provide quick-fix solutions (e.g. get married, place the child for adoption, abort the baby etc). aLife is prepared to journey and be there for the woman and family in the long run.

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We LISTEN in a calm and non-judgmental manner to patiently understand you and your struggles.

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We provide INFORMATION on pregnancy, medical procedures, government schemes for families.

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We explore ALTERNATIVE options such as adoption, medical assistance and financial assistance schemes.

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We offer EMOTIONAL SUPPORT and will be here for you just one call away.

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We provide a PRACTICAL ASSISTANCE regardless of your pregnancy outcome.

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We CONNECT our clients to reliable resources and keep them well-informed.

If you or someone you know is pregnant and needs support,


aLife is here for you. Call us at aLife Hotline 9183 4483

How are our sessions held?

We prioritize your comfort as you share your struggles with us. You may select how you will prefer the session to be carried out.

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Phone Call Session

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In-Person Session

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Online Video Session

Not comfortable? Message us!

Reach out to us here instead!

We understand, but take your first step with us today.

“Having no one to talk to and nowhere to go, I kept my mouth shut and pretended everything was all right. But I was dying inside. I felt so utterly alone then.”

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