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Susan Ying

Sleep Woes of A New Mum

As a new mother, sleep is the most precious thing you cannot get enough of. It will often seem like your little one is determined not to let you sleep. 

Here are some reasons why your new baby may be keeping you up.

  1. Feeding

Feedings sometimes take forever because your little angel decides to fall asleep midway. By the time the feed is over and you finally put your baby down, you often find yourself awoken soon after for the next feed. What to do! Breastfeeding…

I chose to do all the night feeds, so that my husband could get enough sleep for work the next day. However, you could express your milk and store it for someone else (husband, a helper or grandparent) to take over feeding at times in the day when you need a few more hours of sleep. 

Note: Formula-fed babies tend to sleep longer hours because the higher fat content in the milk makes them fuller. 

  1. Colic

Very often, babies are “airy”. From all the sucking and suckling…obviously! This gives them a tummy ache. They will fuss and cry. These days, fortunately, social media provides  many novel ideas and remedies for babies’ colicky troubles. From massages, leg/hip rotations, warm baths etc. My mother-in-law used a combination of sliced shallots/small onions and Chinese baby oil(Yu Yee Oil) wrapped in a cloth nappy which was then placed on the baby’s tummy. Not sure if that really worked, but I was willing to try anything to soothe my crying baby!

  1. Boredom

Yes, babies can be bored. They love interaction. Here are some ways to entertain your baby. Hug and cuddle them as much as you can. Talk. Not in baby language but proper words. It helps develop their linguistic skills early. Sing. Everyone can sing. Not judging here… But seriously, learn nursery rhymes. Kids these days do not really know their nursery rhymes. 

Dance too. Somehow, my babies were soothed with loud rhythmic impactful music. I have to thank the group Starship - We built This City, Johnny Mathis - It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year amongst others. I had to put the music on repeat, because she would open her eyes the moment the music ended. Yup, it was definitely my superb swaying and dancing skills that lulled her to sleep…


In any case, music is said to stimulate mathematical and reasoning skills. It’s fun for both mother and child. 

  1. Sensitive to Vibes

Babies are literally connected to Mummy or their main caregiver. Doesn’t it seem that your baby would cry even more when you feel irritated? Or the baby refuses to sleep when you are almost passing out from sleep deprivation? 

When you feel like your baby is conspiring to make your life a living hell, try this:

Pass the baby to your husband or someone trustworthy in your house. Go to the next room. Take a nap or just chill for a moment. Most likely your baby and you would have calmed down by then. Babies can feel your anxiety, stress and even annoyance. It becomes a circle of emotions bouncing back and forth. So break that cycle and both of you will be happy!

Parents are super humans. Surviving on little sleep and no ‘Me’ time. There is no easy recipe in parenting. But ultimately your efforts will pay off. Your baby grows at the speed of light and you would not want to miss those precious moments.

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