The first sign that you are pregnant is usually after you have missed your period. Some women with irregular cycles may only realise after a couple of months.

How Is Pregnancy Calculated?
The start of pregnancy is calculated from the first day of your last menstrual period. A full term pregnancy is 40 weeks. However delivering any time between 9 to 10 months is typically considered normal. Pregnancy is also divided into three stages called Trimesters with each trimester being a set of three months. So if you are three months pregnant, you are 12 weeks into your pregnancy.
Here’s a quick look at how your baby is growing every month inside your womb.
For easy reference, the size of the foetus is compared to a fruit or vegetable.
Week 4
Size: About the size of a poppy or chia seed (0.1cm)
Eyes and limb buds start to appear
Heartbeat and blood circulation start
Week 8
Size: About the size of a blueberry (1cm) (less than 1g)
Eyes, ears, mouth and nose are distinct
Brain cells are generating
Kidneys starting to form
Intestines begin to develop
Liver starts producing blood cells
Pancreas begins forming insulin
All four chambers of the heart are developed
Week 12
Size: About the size of a lime (5.4cm) (14g)
Fingers and toes are still webbed, but distinguishable
Heartbeat detectable
Kidneys produce urine
Vocal cords are formed
Arms are proportional to body
Legs may not be proportionate yet
Week 16
Size: About the size of an avocado (11.6cm) (100g)
Facial muscles are developing so expressions like squinting and frowning can be seen on a scan
Genitals become distinguishable
Legs are longer
Eyebrows and eyelashes are more distinct
Week 20
Size: About the length of a small banana (25.6cm) (300g)
Baby’s movement can be felt
Sucking and grasping movements can be seen on a scan
Permanent teeth are forming inside the gums
Heart beats at the rate of 120-160 beats per minute
Week 24
Size: As long as a corn on the cob (30cm) (600g)
Skin is red and wrinkled
Foetus gains weight
Eyebrows and eyelashes are clearly seen
Eyelids are separated, but remain shut
Week 28
Size: About the size of a big eggplant (37.6cm) (1kg)
Eyes start producing tears and nose can smell
Brain grooves and folds are still developing
Fat deposits under the skin
Nervous system starts controlling a few body functions
Week 32
Size: About the size of a large grapefruit (42.4cm) (1.7kg)
Development: -
Stronger kicks and movements can be felt
Baby sleeps more
Baby attains a head-down position
Lungs continue practicing rhythmic breathing
Kidneys are fully developed
Week 36
Size: About the size of a large honeydew melon (47cm) (2.5kg)
Skull bones remain soft to allow easy passage through birth canal
Fully formed limbs and nails
Baby can move neck well
Blood vessels are fully developed
Earlobes have soft cartilage
Week 40
Size: As big as a small pumpkin (51.2cm) (3.4kg)
Development: Baby is fully grown and is ready to be delivered
For more detailed information on your baby’s week-to-week development and pregnancy diary, there are many good apps that you can download and use. Here are some suggestions:
WhatToExpect Pregnancy & Baby Tracker -WTE
Asianparent: Pregnancy + Baby
Ovia Pregnancy & Baby Tracker
280days: Pregnancy Diary App