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Gen Z Guest Writer

A series of 3 short articles on abortion: Part 2

Updated: 2 days ago

Facing my abortion alone. A weight (literally) lifted off me. 

Wednesday, 2.45am 

My eyelids had grown heavy from reading articles, resources, hospitals…The list goes on and as I lay on my bed, staring at the blank ceiling above me,

I made my decision.

Friday, 11.30am

I boarded the bus

On the way, I look out the window 

You’re on Your Own, Kid by Taylor Swift resonates in my ear


I arrive and cautiously step through the doors

My hands are slick in sweat, trembling

I look around at the women around me with their partners

I suspect I’m the youngest here


The receptionist prompts me for my identification card

She was casual, nice. 

But all I could think was “How harshly is she judging me?’


I had my consultation with the gynae

He was nice and re-confirmed my pregnancy

I told him what I had decided. 


I was brought into a cold, sterile room.  

The clinic nurse offers me a blanket

I was made to watch a counselling video about the abortion process 

It made me sad and I tried hard not to think about it.


Before I knew it, the procedure was over.

It was done. 

As I step back into the world outside, a weight had been lifted. In my solitude, I felt a mix of emotions.  Relief washed over me — I had made a choice, and now I could move forward. Yet, that relief was tinged with sadness, a bittersweet acknowledgment of what I had left behind and the possibilities I had surrendered. The emptiness lingered on, like a hollow echo in my chest. It was a reminder of the gravity of my decision, a void that whispered of potential and loss. I glanced at the bustling streets around me, life continuing in its vibrant chaos, and I wondered how many others were also carrying their own hidden burdens.

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