Corporate Governance
aLife is committed to good governance and financial transparency, regularly reviewing its internal policies and processes to be in compliance with the code of governance for Charities and Institutions of Public Character.
Reserve Policy
aLife aims to build a reserve that is equivalent of 2 years of its operating expenses, to support continuity in services to our clients. During the Board meetings, the Directors assess aLife’s financial status to determine it has a healthy reserve to ensure financial sustainability and continuity of its charitable programmes. Funds are held in bank fixed deposits with sufficient cash balances for operational expenses. For more information on the charity’s reserves policy, please refer to Note 16 of aLife’s latest Financial Statements.
Disclosure & Transparency
aLife Board adheres to regular evaluation of its performance and effectiveness, and ensures compliance with requirements in the Code of Governance. The annual report includes information on its corporate governance, programmes, activities, services, audited financial statements, Board members and Management. The annual report is also published on its website.
For the financial year, Board Members did not receive any remuneration. None of the staff members receives more than $100,000 in annual remuneration each.
Whistleblowing Policy
aLife is committed to strong corporate governance and promotes an open and transparent culture, where employees, vendors, clients and other stakeholders are provided an avenue to express concerns on any serious wrongdoing/malpractice in particular in relation to fraud, controls and ethics.
Concerns (in writing) may be raised with or information (see Whistleblower Report Form) to:
Private & Confidential
For the Attention of Audit Committee Chairman
aLife Ltd
Blk 308 Shunfu Road #01-165
Singapore 570308
Email Address: whistleblowing@alife.org.sg
All concerns raised will be independently reviewed by the Audit Committee and all information provided will be kept strictly confidential.
Code of Conduct for Board, Staff & Volunteers
aLife strives to preserve its integrity and credibility with the public and within its organisation. aLife is equally committed to create a safe and positive environment for its staff, volunteers and clients.
aLife has zero tolerance with regards to harm, abuse or neglect of vulnerable individuals under its care and will act to ensure that the conduct of its Board, staff and volunteers are consistent with its core values of respect, collaboration and impartiality. For more information, please see aLife's Code of Conduct for Staff and Volunteers.
Anti-Money Laundering (AML)
aLife Board, management & staff are required to be vigilant; be committed to strong governance and financial transparency; know our key donors and beneficiaries; conduct transactions via regulated financial channels; ensure that funds are applied in a consistent way to our mission and objectives; and report suspicious transactions to the authorities.
The aim of AML compliance is to identify and respond accordingly to inherent and residual money laundering, terrorist financing and fraud related risks. Hence, aLife has put in place internal policy, procedures and controls to detect money laundering and risks posed by activities of donors (both individual as well as corporate).
Conflict of Interest Policy
aLife board, management & staff are required in their respective capacities to act at all times in the best interest of the society. All are required to make full disclosure of any interests, relationships, and holdings that could potentially result in a conflict of interest. Every Board/staff member are required to declare conflict of interest annually, or as soon as such conflict or the possibility of such conflict arises. When a conflict of interest situation arises, the Board/staff member shall abstain from participating in the discussion, decision-making and voting on the matter.
Data Protection Policy
aLife's Data Protection Policy provides information about how it collects, uses and discloses personal data about individuals while recognising both individuals’ right to protect personal data and our need to collect, use or disclose it for purposes that we believe are reasonable and appropriate in the context of our charitable work in the community. It applies to the personal data of all individuals who are clients or potential clients of aLife as well as donors, employees, volunteers and online users of our websites and online platforms. The Data Protection Policy will apply consistently to all personal data collected. For more information, please see aLife's Data Protection Notice.
aLife's information can also be found on the Charity portal.