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aLife Mothers' Assistance (ALMA)

We help alleviate hardships faced by new mothers from low-income families with young or 'special needs' children, to ensure that these children do not go without basic sustenance in their crucial growing years.

What do we do?

aLife is dedicated to supporting new mothers from low-income families by addressing the various stresses they face. Through its ALMA programme, aLife provides essential items such as milk, diapers, and other baby necessities. The programme also offers regular home visits from befrienders who assess the well-being of both the mother and child, ensuring the safety and stability of the family. The core mission of ALMA is to help families move toward greater stability, self-reliance, and social mobility.

Supporting over 100+ families

aLife regularly reviews the client’s household situation to see how best it can help the family.

aLife collaborates closely with other voluntary organisations and government agencies to provide holistic assistance to the family. Eligible clients are accepted mainly on a referral basis from Social Service Agencies/Family Service Centres (FSC).  If you are a client who needs help, please seek assistance from the FSC nearest to your home.

Join us as an ALMA donor, befriender, collaborator or as a sponsor today!

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Be a Befriender

Provide support by interacting with families facing marital and parenting challenges through the monthly visits when the milk and diapers are delivered.

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Be a Donor

It takes $150 - $200 to support one infant per month. Any amount you donate will be funding the cost of diapers, milk and other baby essentials.

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Be a Sponsor

You can choose to adopt an ALMA family by paying for their baby's milk and diapers. You may also visit the family as an aLife befriender.

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Be a Collaborator

aLife works closely with other Social Services Agencies (SSAs) to ensure that the family is helped holistically. If you are an SSA, reach out to us today.

How can you help?

What does a Befriender do?

ALMA Program is not just about delivering milk, diapers and other basic supplies to needy families, befrienders are also called to journey with them, providing the necessary support structure to decrease the social isolation experienced by families with complex needs.

aLife Befrienders listen and observe the overall well-being of the babies and their families, & feedback to aLife so the families situation are monitored & help can be rendered, if necessary.

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Befrienders interact with the families, eventually form friendships, and provide a listening ear to these families. This is crucial as these beneficiaries might be experiencing caregiver stress and new mental challenges with the introduction of a new family member.

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During the visits, befrienders interact and track the progress of the baby’s growth. It is a fulfilling experience to see healthy babies and families find their footing during the difficult moments of their lives.

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Support aLife in their mission to journey with the families in need by being an ALMA Befriender.


"The support given was very much needed. My kids enjoyed the time and activities they do with our befrienders." 

– Mdm S (an ALMA client with 5 young children)

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